The Difference

Last night, I was watching my favorite college basketball team play. For most of the game, they were in the lead and looked in control. But, in the last couple minutes of play, they let the lead slip away and eventually lost the game. While they, for the most part, played better than their opponent, the final score will, in reality, be the only lasting memory of the game.

In life, what happens in the last few moments is often what is most important. For those that give up before the race is over, they will never be the victor. They cannot be, they gave up early.

I was asked why I continue to make an effort to improve myself. Why do I work? And why do I exercise as hard as I do? Why am I attempting to put thoughts in writing that might inspire the reader?

I guess I learned to utilize the “extra effort” approach at a young age. I could site several times when this approach benefited me.

One that comes to mind occurred in 1971. The previous fall I had returned from Vietnam with the intent of returning to law school. But unexpected events required me to seek employment. I chose the financial industry. I quickly learned that most of my peers relied on friends and family to get through the most difficult early days.

I knew almost no one in WNY, so I did things like call strangers on the phone each day until 9 p.m. I knew I had to work twice as hard as other people.

Because of the extra work, I survived and attained some degree of early success. The harder I worked the better I did.

I have seen others apply this technique and attain similar success. I have seen people with natural connections fail for lack of work.

At the end of the lesson is the fact that the difference between success and failure is the real effort put forth. Good results will occur if the person involved will put forth the extra effort.