A Statement on the Fragility of Health in America

Each day I continue my fight to regain and retain good health. Perhaps I am lucky because I have led a life of personal discipline.

It concerns me that most people seem unconcerned with their personal well-being until something bad happens to them. At my age, I am seeing past friends and acquaintances develop medical issues they never dreamed of and some of those issues are very serious.

Whatever your present state of health, do not let another day go by without developing a plan of moderate exercise and better quality in eating habits. Perhaps you’re thinking: “Rich is not a Doctor, why should I listen to him”?

I firmly believe that each day we awake in the morning is another gift from God and, like all gifts, should be savored and appreciated.

Consider what you have to lose. I think we should all learn to take 5 minutes each day that we devote to being grateful for what we have. Hopefully, we can all find 30-60 minutes a day to exercise our most important muscle---the heart.